Take our survey to see if you are a candidate for hearing aids


Internationally recognized hearing aid brands

We source the best quality hearing aids from around the world for your hearing loss; such as the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and more! Brand names such as Unitron, Oticon, Phonak, Widex, Signia, etc. All hearing aids are imported into South Africa and are distributed throughout

Advanced speech enhancement features

We hear with our brain and not with our ears. Once our hearing professional has evaluated your hearing loss this will determine the level of speech enhancement needed to give you the optimal benefit in your everyday quality of life.

Sophisticated noise reduction systems

The most common challenge of hearing loss is background noise. Hearing aids have a built in artificial intelligence that is able to detect speech and reduce background noise automatically! Sounds too good to be true?  Give a hearing aid a chance and hear the results for yourself.

The most discreet designs

Hearing aids range from the most invisible inside-the-canal to our ultra-powered strength. Once you have had a hearing evaluation, there will be a large variety of looks, colours and options to choose from – whichever suits your personal style.

Bluetooth compatibility

A new age in connectivity is finally here. We no longer need to worry about streamers, connectors, accessories with regards to Bluetooth. We can now stream to Android and Apple devices! We are always emerging with new ways to make your life easier and what better way than hands-free phone calls using only your hearing aids!


Hearing aids now come with a rechargeable option. Do you have difficulty changing batteries? Or are you always forgetting that you need to buy new batteries? The rechargeable options can eliminate all your worries. You won’t be compromising on your sound and you will be at ease knowing that you are also doing your part for a healthier environment.

Difficulty understanding woman/children voices

If you have trouble following soft speech patterns you may have hearing loss

You frequently swap ears on the phone

You find yourself changing ears on the phone after struggling to follow conversation.

Signs you may
have hearing loss

Hearing Loss
Physical/ Mental fatigue after a conversation

The more you strain to hear the harder your brain has to work to concentrate on the incoming sound resulting in overall exhaustion

Trouble understanding others

You may be able to hear sounds, but can’t make out what they are saying

Ringing/buzzing in the ear

This is called Tinnitus and can also be perceived as beating, humming, crickets, etc. depending on the hearing loss.

If you are concerned that you or a loved one may be experiencing hearing loss, you are not alone. Hearing loss can occur gradually; it’s often the people around you that notice the hearing loss before you do. If you have any of the following symptoms, it may be time for a hearing test:

  • You hear mumbling when people are speaking to you
  • You have to ask people to repeat what they said
  • You laugh at jokes even though you may not have heard the details
  • You need to ask others about the details of a meeting you just attended
  • You play the TV or radio louder than your friends, spouse or relatives
  • You cannot hear the doorbell or the telephone
  • You find that looking at people when they speak to you makes it easier to understand
  • You miss environmental sounds, such as birds chirping or leaves blowing
  • You find yourself avoiding certain restaurants because they are too noisy 
  • You hear a ringing sound in your ears, especially when it is quiet.
Hearing Aids

Take our survey to see if you are a candidate for hearing aids